You can even control the weight of the ball! Can you get 12 strikes in a row?! Feel the stress melt away with this bowling game!
Rank: 38Level:
Homerun Rush
Match the pitcher's throw for a full swing! The more homerun combos you make, the higher your score! There are 80 balls, but be sure to concentrate on each one!
Rank: 39Level:
Homerun King
Move the batter with you mouse and click to hit the ball when the pitcher throws! Hit the lit up balls to get even more points! Get more and more homeruns and be overwhelmed with pride!
Rank: 215Level:
PK Revolution
Use all your skills, even a finisher, in PK Revolution! Decide where to send the ball, then click the power gauge with the right timing! It's a tactics game!
Rank: 540Level:
Click when you reach the middle! If everything is aligned well, you'll get a good shot! Your speed will keep getting faster and faster!
Rank: 577Level: